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对辅助的爱! Riot开启辅助周免 探讨辅助现状

Love for auxiliary! Riot on auxiliary weeks from auxiliary status are discussed

2016-11-15 19:25:39来源: 17173

今天,Riot宣布对部分辅助英雄进行一个月的周免,来测试额外的可用辅助英雄是否会令玩家更倾向于选择辅助,同时尝试了解如何让辅助位置变得更有吸引力。随后设计师谈论了他们这么做的原因,并希望在2017赛季改善辅助玩家偏少的情况。 (外服第一周的额外周免辅助包括机器人、火男、布隆、风女、蕾欧...

Announced today, Riot of some auxiliary hero for a week or months, free to test the additional available support hero will make players tend to choose the auxiliary, at the same time try to understand how to make the auxiliary position becomes more attractive. Then designer about the causes of them to do so, and hope to improve the condition of less auxiliary players in the 2017 season. Additional weeks from the first week (outward including auxiliary robot, fire; male and female, bloom, the wind, she...