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《问道》雪战到底今日公测 极品神兽大派送

"Asked" the snow fight today beta gourmet animal delivery

2014-12-25 18:47:04来源: 新浪

问道CGWR 得分 CGWR:226 位 CGWR介绍 视频加载中,请稍候... 百万在线经典大作《问道》跨年资料片“雪战到底”今日公测,全新快感欲罢不能。公测新服同步开启,五万人同服对决,尽享激情快感。全新神兽、全新坐骑、全新玩法、全新系统震撼上线。更有多重活动火爆开启,iP...

asked CGWR score of CGWR:226 bit CGWR introduction video loading, please wait... Millions of online classic "asked" cross year data piece "snow fight beta" today, the new pleasure I can't. The new service open beta synchronization, fifty thousand people are of the same suit showdown, enjoy the passion of pleasure. A new animal, new mounts, a new play, new system shock on-line. Multiple activities more irritable opening, iP...