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玩家自制新版本答疑解惑 满月武器最好

Players homemade unriddling for new version The full moon at best

2016-04-13 18:32:09来源: 多玩游戏

知道的可以跳过,不知道的可以看看 武器:最好的武器应该就是满月系列了,75的迷宫基础高一点,可是74升级75要1620E经验,你那2%的属性损失要保留很久,满月带技能,然后还有2%附加伤害(根据一个已经73的朋友说的,已经感觉经验条不动了,连续练几天才涨了3格,所以想要75武器的请慎重...

Know can skip, don't know can see weapons: the best weapon should be full moon series, 75 a maze of a little higher, but 74 upgrade 75 to 1620 e experience, that 2% of the property loss you want to keep for a long time, the full moon with skills, then there is 2% additional damage, according to a friend who is 73, the article has sense experience, continuous practice a couple of days up 3, so want to 75 weapons carefully...

标签: 玩家