新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam整顿游戏成就系统:虚假游戏不能“喜加一”


Steam clean up game achievement system: false game cannot "xi plus one"

2018-06-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

去年5月份,V社对Steam游戏的卡牌掉落系统进行了更改,当时V社称此举的目的是打击“不良分子恶意利用商店算法牟取利益”。而今天V社在一篇新公告中表示,将对另一个被滥用的Steam特性进行整顿,那就是游戏的成就系统。 有一些游戏在成就系统上“动了不少脑筋”,比如《Zup!》这个系列的游戏,游戏在玩法上并没什么太出色的点,但是每代游戏都会有大量的成就,满足玩家们的收集欲望。 而在今天的公告中,V社表示将会和卡牌一样,给游戏设置一个额外的信任指标,对于没有达到指标的游戏: 成就数量奖杯限制在100个以内,该游戏的成就不会影响全球成就统计,也无法显示在个人资料的展柜中。而且该游戏不会...

In may last year, V club card drop of Steam games system changed, then V news agency said the aim is to crack down on "undesirables malicious use of store algorithm for profits,". Today, V club said in a new announcement, to another is abused rectification, the characteristics of Steam that is game achievement system. There are some games on achievement system "move a lot of brains", such as "the Zup!" This series of the game, the game on the game is not too good points, but the game will have a lot of achievements in each generation, satisfy players collect desire. In today's announcement, V club said it would like the card, to set an extra confidence indicators, for not reached index of the game: number of achievement trophy limit within the 100, the achievements of the game will not affect the global achievement statistics, also can't display in the cases of personal data. And the game will not...

标签: 游戏 Steam