新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂制作人宫本茂解释为何Wii U如此失败

任天堂制作人宫本茂解释为何Wii U如此失败

Nintendo producer Shigeru Miyamoto explained why the Wii u such failure Sina

2015-06-25 11:40:47来源: 新浪

从市场表现来看,不必说任天堂的本世代主机WiiU完全无法和PS4及Xbox One相提并论,甚至任天堂官方都承认WiiU销量完全不及预期,是场灾难。E3 2015网络情报会上在Wii U平台登陆的作品也聊聊无几,亮眼的WiiU新作仅仅有《星际火狐:零》以及《马里奥网球》看来任天堂已经对W...

from the market performance, no need to say Nintendo this generation wiiu host completely unable to and Playstation and Xbox one mentioned in the same breath, even Nintendo official admitted wiiu completely sold less than expected, it is a disaster. E3 2015 network information will be on the Wii u platform landing works also talk about, dazzling new wiiu only the star Fox: Zero "and" Mario tennis "seems Nintendo has to w...

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