新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「游八卦」《王者荣耀》摇一摇引发的摔手机惨案 天美你是厂商派来的“新机婊”么?

「游八卦」《王者荣耀》摇一摇引发的摔手机惨案 天美你是厂商派来的“新机婊”么?

"Gossip" "the glory of the king" shake caused by mobile phone massacre Days beauty you are manufacturer sent "xinji Biao"?

2017-01-03 17:19:07来源: 任玩堂

《最终幻想》手游携手Ariana Grande推新角色 这是要逼A妹粉们掏钱买买买啊!最近几年很多游戏厂商都开始寻找大牌明星合作,以他们为噱头专门去打造一款全新的主题游戏以吸引粉丝玩家,比如 Glu 就和金·卡戴珊、小甜甜·布兰妮以及泰勒·斯威夫特等人合作了。最近 Square Enix 也想借借明星的光环,于是找来了美国音乐小天后 Ariana Grande(俗称A妹),而他们合作的游戏也是赫赫有名,就是推出了有一段时间的手游 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius《最终幻想:勇气启示录》。据悉 A 妹将以一个新角色的形式加入游戏,而游戏角色会按照她早前的单曲《Dangerou...

Mobile game "final fantasy" hand in hand to Ariana Grande push new role This is to force A younger sister fans buy buy buy! In recent years many game companies have began to look for cooperation, big star for their stunt dedicated to create a new theme game to attract fans, players, such as Glu and Kim kardashian, britney spears and Taylor swift and others. Recently Square Enix also want to borrow some star aura, and to the American music queen Ariana Grande (commonly known as A sister), and their cooperative game is famous, is introduced for A time mobile game Final Fantasy Brave Exvius "Final Fantasy: the courage of revelation. Is A younger sister will be in the form of A new role to join the game, the game role according to her earlier single Dangerou...

标签: 王者荣耀