新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360游戏将与Wargaming共同推出多款网游


360 games will be combined with Wargaming to launch a variety of online games

2019-04-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

360游戏和著名军事游戏开发商Wargaming今日共同宣布,将建立长期稳定的战略合作伙伴关系,未来将在中国大陆市场推出多款载具战斗类型军事网游。 Wargaming在2010年正式推出《坦克世界》,该游戏迅速成为全球范围内最富盛名的军事网游。360游戏和Wargaming正在努力推进的新游戏,是同一类型的新世代大型多人在线军事网游。游戏将在前作成功的基础之上,采用全新游戏引擎技术,呈现出顶级美术表现力,颠覆性游戏玩法,前所未见的坦克、载具,力争给全球玩家带来极致体验。 “Wargaming是世界顶尖的网络游戏开发公司之一。我们非常高兴能与Wargaming合作,在不远的将来将新的军事网...

360 games and famous military game developer Wargaming today jointly announced that will establish a long-term stable strategic partnership, the future will be launched in mainland China market a number of combat types of military online games. Wargaming officially launched Tank World in 2010, which quickly became the most prestigious military online game in the world. 360 games and Wargaming are trying to advance the new game, which is the same type of new generation of large multiplayer online military netball. The game will be based on the success of the previous, the use of new game engine technology, showing the top art performance, disruptive gameplay, unprecedented tanks, carrier, and strive to bring the ultimate experience to players around the world. "Wargaming is one of the world's top online game development companies. We are very pleased to work with Wargaming to bring a new military network in the near future ...

标签: 游戏 网游