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Overnight Kuanglong war "asked" God level boss warrant Sina

2015-07-24 10:49:45来源: 新浪

百万在线网游大作《问道》,中州大陆风云再起,灭世BOSS冲破魔界枷锁、降临人间。中州百姓生灵涂炭,神级BOSS通缉令重磅来袭,人魔大战一触即发。孽畜凶威震天谁能将其收服?而你,是否已经准备好迎接灭天BOSS的滔天怒火? 问道官网 灭世狂龙初代BOSS——“吞天” “吞天”魔龙冲...

million online gaming masterpiece "asked", plains, revival, extinguishes the world boss break Makai chains, will fall to the earth. The people of Zhongzhou God BOSS wanted to plunge the people into misery and suffering, heavy strikes, ogre war be triggered at any moment. Evil Megatron who will feed livestock in the rein? And you, is ready to destroy days BOSS monstrous anger? Asked the official website that the original BOSS Kuanglong -- "swallow" day "swallow day" dragon punch...