新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马薇薇痛饮老干妈 黄执中无奈爆猛料

马薇薇痛饮老干妈 黄执中无奈爆猛料

Wei-wei ma drinking old dopted mother Huang Zhizhong explosive material

2017-12-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

皇室战争首次跨界综艺秀《皇室奇葩夜》已正式上线,在腾讯视频搜索“皇室奇葩夜”即可观看,让我们一起感受下此次节目的精彩内容吧。 电竞大咖加盟的奇趣2V2之夜 为了让这次跨界秀更加好玩,我们还特意邀请了世界冠军鸣圣以及于秭诺、普朗东、牛小蘑菇等电竞大咖,与四位奇葩明星们结成了2V2搭档进行比赛。并邀请职业电竞主持人小媛作担任节目主持。 在比赛开始前,奇葩明星们都会抽取官方“精心制作”的套路卡,得到各种特权或者是限制对方的能力,这也使得当晚的比赛既有竞技性也有趣味性。 居然让黄执中哑口无言?!马薇薇问了什么!? 辩场上的黄执中一直以来都是以沉着冷静、大局能力强的全面型辩手形象展现...

Royal war first crossover variety show "royal gold night" has been officially launched, in tencent search "royal gold" can watch the video, let us feel the contents of the program. E-sports joining the higher-ups hall 2 v2 night in order to make the crossover show more fun, we had invited to world champion sound, plant east saint, as well as in Zi e-sports higher-ups, cattle, small mushroom, etc, and the four gold stars formed a 2 v2 partner. E-sports host and invite professional small luca brasi as show host. Before the game starts, the exotic stars will extract the official "elaborate" routine card, get all kinds of privileges or is the ability to restrict each other, which makes the night of the game has both competitive and interesting. Let Huang Zhizhong speechless? ! Wei-wei ma asked what! ? Huang Zhizhong debate on the field have been are calm and good overall comprehensive type debater image show...