新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞场上巾帼不让须眉 高校联赛唯一女教练专访

电竞场上巾帼不让须眉 高校联赛唯一女教练专访

E-sports field is not about equally the barclays manager of the only female interview

2016-05-21 18:22:01来源: 巴士LOL

2016年第四届英雄联盟高校联赛的决赛正在天津工业大学的体育馆中进行,很有幸邀请到本次高校联赛的东道主战队,天津工业大学Fordream战队的女教练和他们的AD选手。 :LOL高校联赛 很有幸邀请到本次高校联赛的东道主战队,天津工业大学Fordream战队的女教练和他们的AD选手,...

In 2016 the fourth hero union university league final taking place in tianjin university of technology gymnasium, very honor to invite to the host team to university league, tianjin university of technology Fordream team of female coaches and their AD player. : LOL university league Very honor to invite to the league of the host team in university, tianjin university of technology Fordream team of female coaches and their AD player,...

标签: 电竞