新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同样是回合制 同样是大IP 为何有成有败?

同样是回合制 同样是大IP 为何有成有败?

Is also a round of large IP why into defeat?

2015-09-15 13:50:42来源: 和讯网

第1页同样是回合制 同样是大IP 为何有成有败? IP对于当今手游市场的重要性已经毋庸置疑,除了小说、影视,越来越多经典的端游IP也登上了手游平台,例如盛大的《传奇》、巨人的《征途》。各类主流玩法也都已经出现了多个成功的IP产品,回合制也不例外。近日,网易在《梦幻西游》之后又推出了《...

on page 1 of the same leg of the same IP why a failure? The importance of IP for today's tour market has no doubt, in addition to the novel, the film and television, more and more classical end tour IP also landed on the swim platform, such as royal "legend", giant "journey". All kinds of mainstream play also have appeared many successful IP products, the turn is no exception. Recently, NetEase in "Fantasy Westward Journey" after the introduction of the "...