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九阴真经手游画面完美 Flexi引擎勾勒醉美武林

9 Mobile Games picture perfect Flexi engine to outline the Drunken Beauty "martial arts

2015-03-18 19:35:37来源: 4399


in jiuyinzhenjing" end behind swim high popularity, it is with the name "Flexi" 3D engine, let the game player to enjoy the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" in the aesthetic atmosphere of the scene representation and stimulate the smooth battle against the flu. The Flexi engine is a completely independent development, for the development by the snail is really the knight errant net to tour "Jiuyin Zhenjing" and carefully tailored to the new 3D game development framework. The engine includes the game client, server, content editing work...

标签: 手游