新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏周边变凶器!美国大学生攻击室友居然把剑都打弯了!


The game around a weapon! American college students against roommate sword bending!

2018-01-31 16:27:50来源: 任玩堂

上周五,美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇市的警察接到报案,在阿拉斯加大学附近的公寓内有人发生争执,双方不仅拳脚相向,甚至还用上了刀剑! (非现场图片)案件的嫌疑人是22岁的杰里米·泰卢克(Jeremy Tazruk),根据他和现场证人的描述,事件起因是室友T.P.因争吵而推搡了一位女性室友,随后又殴打了另一位上前阻止的室友。这时杰里米和未婚妻刚好带着孩子回来,他们想要过去劝架,不料T.P.又把他未婚妻给打了,被激怒后的杰里米从墙上取下“大师之剑”,用剑鞘不断攻击T.P.,接着又在厨房里拿出了一把小刀刺伤对方,而受伤后的T.P.跑出寝室晕倒在了附近的小路上。事后,杰里米因使用武器多次攻击室友而被逮捕。法院...

On Friday, the United States Alaska anchorage police received a report that someone in the apartment near the university of Alaska, the two sides not only beatings, even using the sword! (not the scene picture) suspected cases of Jeremy is 22 years old, Luke (Jeremy Tazruk), according to he and witnesses described, the cause is roommate T.P. has been pushing to quarrel for a female roommate, then beat up another to stop the roommate. When Jeremy and his fiancee just come back to take their children, they want to stop the fight in the past, only to T.P. and his fiancee to the beat, enraged after Jeremy take down from the wall "sword" of the master, with scabbard attack T.P. continuously, then took out a knife stabbing each other in the kitchen, and after an injury T.P. ran out of the dormitory collapsed near the road. Afterwards, Jeremy by using weapon attack roommate was arrested many times. The court...

标签: 游戏