新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3月31日严惩外挂 封停4018个违规角色

3月31日严惩外挂 封停4018个违规角色

In March 31st 4018 severely plug-in closure violations

2015-03-31 22:49:16来源: 多玩游戏

根据我国相关法律的规定,使用外挂破坏了合法互联网游戏产品的技术保护措施,对游戏数据进行了非法修改,是应当依法予以严厉打击的非法互联网活动。 对于具备反隐、穿墙、飞天、加速(技能和移动加速)等功能的恶性外挂,我们坚持一贯的严厉打击、绝不姑息的态度,对其违规角色进行封停并保留进一步惩处的...

according to China's relevant laws and regulations, the use of external damage technical protection legitimate Internet gaming products, game data on illegal modification, it should be illegal to crack down on Internet activities according to law. To have anti hidden, wall, flying, accelerated (skills and mobile acceleration) and other functions of the malignant plug-in, we always adhere to the crackdown, absolutely not appeasement attitude, on the role of closure and illegal retention further punishment...