新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战舰少女》5-5攻略


"Girl" 5-5

2015-03-16 19:03:00来源: TechWeb

战舰少女在经过了直布罗陀东部海域之后,我们在5-5这关进入了直布罗陀要塞,而在这关比较考验我们的运气,因此还是让我们来围观下5-5攻略吧! 5-5攻略: BOSS直达攻略: 1号:2BB4CV或者3BB3CV,如果是炸逼队伍可以不带BC,因为装甲低,而路线A路B路都可以选择。 2...

battleship battleship Raiders girl after Gibraltar eastern waters, we enter into the fortress of Gibraltar in 5-5 this off, and in this close comparison test our luck, so let's watch 5-5 Raiders! 5-5 introduction: BOSS direct introduction: No. 1: 2BB4CV or 3BB3CV, if it is fried force team can not bring the BC, because the armor is low, and the route of A road and B road can be selected. 2...