新关注 > 信息聚合 > 策略手游进化论手游《大三国志》掀起维新风潮


Strategy Mobile Games evolution Mobile Games "big romance of the Three Kingdoms" raise the reform trend

2015-01-06 16:36:46来源: 不凡游戏网

很多老玩家接触到的首款三国题材游戏当属红白机时代的《三国志》,这款游戏可以说开拓了一个新时代,延续至今仍是长盛不衰。而当下各种三国题材的手游也可谓是层出不穷,而小编今天为大家介绍的这款手游也是以三国为题材的一款创新作品,蜗牛即将上线测试的“3D动作策略手游”《大三国志》! 独特A·SL...

many old game player comes into contact with the first theme game is red and white machine era "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the game can be said to open up a new era, the continuation is still prosperous. And now all three subjects of the Mobile Games is emerge in an endless stream, but today Xiaobian introduce this Mobile Games also to the Three Kingdoms of the theme of a creative work, snail coming on-line test "3D action strategy Mobile Games" big "annals of the Three Kingdoms"! The unique A SL...

标签: 手游