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九阴真经八大门派萌羊来袭 萌翻武林

Jiuyinzhenjing emeiquan adorable adorable turned martial arts

2015-03-31 10:50:38来源: 新浪

九阴真经 CGWR 得分 CGWR:26 位 CGWR介绍 羊年的脚步轻快,越过岁月的风尘;羊年的画卷缤纷,抹上明亮的色彩;羊年的时光悠扬,采撷幸福的芬芳;羊年的歌声欢畅,诉说祝福的绵长。 今日,九阴真经八大门派以小羊造型亮相,萌翻武林。别看“我”只是一只小萌羊,幼小的身体下...

jiuyinzhenjing CGWR score of CGWR:26 bit CGWR introduced sheep year light footed, over the years of dust; sheep year picture colorful, wipe the bright colors; sheep years melodious, gather the fragrance of happiness; sheep year singing merry, tell blessing long. Today, jiuyinzhenjing eight martial to the lamb modeling debut, adorable turned martial arts. Don't look at the "I" is just a little adorable sheep, young body under...