新关注 > 信息聚合 > 背负故事的英雄 《英雄之战》角色背景起底

背负故事的英雄 《英雄之战》角色背景起底

Bear the story of the hero "battle of the heroes" character background Qidi

2015-07-20 12:59:49来源: 任玩堂

《英雄之战》是一款由功夫巨星吴京代言的ARPG手游,游戏中收录的英雄都有自己的故事,马上来看看不同英雄的背景故事吧! 在游戏开始,玩家需要从弓箭手、枪术师、兵法师、狂战士这四位英雄中选择一位作为主英雄通过基础新手关口。在新手关过后,玩家们就可以陆续获得其他三位不同职业的英雄。玩家们将操...

"battle of the heroes" is a endorsement from Kung Fu Star Wujing hand ARPG tour, included in the game heroes have their own story, immediately to see the background story of the hero is different! At the beginning of the game, the player needs from the archers, jousting teacher, master of soldiers, mad soldiers of the four heroes choice as a hero, on the basis of a new mark. After the novice, the players will be able to get three other different occupations of the hero. Players will fuck...