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New lego "watchman pioneer" series at blizzard carnival

2018-11-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

北京时间2018年11月3日,第12届暴雪嘉年华在美国加州安纳海姆会展中心正式开启。在这场年度游戏盛宴上,乐高集团与暴雪合作开发的全新系列——6款乐高?守望先锋套装首次正式亮相,成为了无数游戏玩家的关注焦点。同时,乐高展区还特别呈现了由145,276个乐高颗粒、耗费731个小时拼搭而成的大型D.Va模型,“守卫”前来参加嘉年华的忠粉们。 145,276个乐高颗粒、耗费731个小时拼搭而成的大型D.Va模型 “这个世界需要英雄。”全新乐高?守望先锋系列再现了6大经典地图、13款英雄角色及其对应的特色武器和运载目标,富含精致细节的功能结构,还原度很高。玩家们可以通过乐高积木拼搭体验实现虚...

Beijing time on November 3, 2018, the 12th blizzard carnival Anna haim exhibition center officially opened in California. In the annual feast, the lego group with blizzard cooperative development of a new series - 6 lego? Watchman pioneer suits formal debut, became the focus of countless game players. At the same time, lego galleries are particularly presented by 145276 lego particles, spent 731 hours of assembling large D.V a model, "guard" to attend the carnival of loyal fans. 145276 lego particles, spent 731 hours of assembling large D.V a model "the world needs a hero." New lego? Watchman pioneer series recreates the six classics map, 13 hero characters and their corresponding characteristic weapons and delivery target, function structure, rich in fine detail reduction degree is high. Players can be realized through the lego assembling experience virtual...