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正版授权 《拳皇97OL》带你回忆童年

"97OL" licensed KOF with your memories of childhood

2015-05-05 17:31:30来源: 4399

由乐道互动公司自主研发的S级横版格斗手游大作,《拳皇97OL》iOS激斗测试震撼开启。街机、投币、搓招、爆豆,这些曾经熟悉的词汇有多久没有被我们提起,让我们再次回忆起儿时的那些画面。 街机 投币 属于我们的回忆 “老板,再来两个币!”;“我明明投币了就是没反应!”;“看我八神庵单挑...

by InterActive Corp in independent research and development of S horizontal version of fighting Mobile Games masterpiece, "the king of fighters 97OL iOS battle shock opening test". Arcade, coin, knead, popcorn, those who are familiar with the words how long have we mentioned, let us recall the picture of childhood. Arcade coin belong to our memories "boss, another two dollars!"; "I pay is no response!"; "I see Iori singled out...