新关注 > 信息聚合 > SG现场秀格斗《火柴人联盟》火爆2015ChinaJoy


SG live show fighting "Matchstick Men alliance" hot 2015ChinaJoy

2015-07-30 12:52:50来源: 4399

中国游戏顶级盛会ChinaJoy今日在上海举行,《火柴人联盟》作为格斗手游的扛鼎制作也携安卓版亮相了ChinaJoy,希望让到现场的玩家能近距离体验格斗手游的魅力。 火柴人联盟安卓版下载地址:http://a.4399.cn/game-id-53070.html 火柴人联盟苹果版下载...

Chinese game top event ChinaJoy was held today in Shanghai, "Matchstick Men alliance" as carry the tripod of fighting tour production also carry the Android version of the debut of the ChinaJoy, hope to the scene of the players can close experience the charm of fighting tour. The match man's Android version of the download address: http://a.4399.cn/game-id-53070.html matches the apple version of the download...

标签: ChinaJoy