新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《生化危机:启示录2》PS4与XB1帧数对比


"Resident Evil: Apocalypse 2" PS4 and XB1 contrast

2015-02-27 14:37:18来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 《生化危机:启示录 2(Resident Evil Revelations 2)》第一章已经与广大的玩家们见面了。对于该作,估计很多玩家最关心的莫过于是该作的帧数问题了。 从下面的PS4和Xbox One的对比影片,我们可以看出《生化危机:启示录2》在P...

loading, please wait... "Resident Evil: Apocalypse 2 (Resident Evil Revelations 2)" the first chapter with the majority of the game player who met. For the estimation of many game player, the most concern is the problem of the number of frames is given. From the contrast of the film PS4 and Xbox following One, we can see that the "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" in P 2...

标签: PS PS4 生化危机