新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魔兽要塞每日突袭任务机制及完成详解


World of Warcraft raid on Fort daily task mechanism and complete detailed

2014-11-25 11:52:09来源: 多玩游戏

玩家到100级之后可以在要塞的议事厅接到一个日常任务,这个日常任务相当于以前版本的勇气点数任务。因为这个任务是目前版本中通用货币埃匹希斯水晶最多的获取方式,基本到100级就必须每日完成的任务。 ...

after level 100 can receive a daily task in Fort Hall, the daily task is equivalent to the previous version of the valor points task. Because this task is the current version common currency Aipixisi crystal most acquisition mode, basic to level 100 must daily tasks. ...