新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《洛神》七十二变显神威 神通幻化提升战力

《洛神》七十二变显神威 神通幻化提升战力

"Luo" 72 change significantly Shenwei supernatural illusion and enhance combat power

2015-06-28 00:49:09来源: 17173

双视角仙侠网游《洛神》带你体验高自由度修真大世界。说好的修真,怎么可以没有七十二变的加入呢。特色玩法【神通变化】不仅能够使玩家幻化成各种妖仙神的形象,更有永久境界属性加成,提升战力立竿见影。当然精通一门神通,也是后期飞升成仙的前提哦。 【五行幻化显神通】 需要掌握一门神通,首先需要...

double perspective of Xian Xia online games, "Luo" take you experience high free fix true world. Good comprehension, how you can not join the seventy-two. Characteristics of play [theurgy change] can not only enable internationally metamorphosed into various demon fairy God's image, more permanent state property, enhance the immediate combat capability. Of course, proficient in a magical, and later flying immortals premise oh. [five] into groups need to master a supernatural, first need to...