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《洛克人 ZERO/ZX 遗产合集》豪华限定版内容公开

The Deluxe Limited Edition of ZERO/ZX Heritage Collection of Rockers is Open

2019-08-28 17:44:04来源: 游戏时光

CAPCOM 近日公开了《洛克人 ZERO/ZX 遗产合集》的豪华版内容,其中包含游戏本体以及洛克人系列的实体周边,同时还推出了合集系列的五合一收纳盒版。《洛克人 ZERO/ZX 遗产合集 LIMITED EDITION》(e-Capcom 限定)对应平台:PS4/NS发售日期:2020 年 1 月 23 日价格:12000 日元(不含税,约为人民币 811 元) 含游戏本体、特典 DLC 「洛克人 ZERO/ZX Ultimate Remix」、立体半身像、洛克人原画师「中山徹」 所绘的亚克力立牌以及...

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; CAPCOM recently released the luxurious version of ZERO / ZX Heritage Collection of Rockers, which includes the game ontology and the entity surrounding Rockers, and also launched a five-in-one collection box version of the Collection Series. "Locker ZERO/ZX Heritage Collection LIMITED EDITION" (e-Capcom Limited) Corresponding Platform: PS4/NS Release Date: January 23, 2020 Price: 12,000 yen (tax-free, about 811 yuan) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Containing Game Ontology, DLC "Locker ZERO/ZX Ultimate Remix", Stereoscopic Half-figure The original Rock painter "Zhongshan Che" & nbsp; the acrylic cards painted and the ___________.