新关注 > 信息聚合 > 揭秘魔法世界 游族《魔法天堂》首曝

揭秘魔法世界 游族《魔法天堂》首曝

The secret world of magic magic tour family "heaven" first exposure

2015-04-08 11:34:43来源: 新浪

导语:自从3月31日游族网络公开了一段颇具悬念的魔法预告片后,引发影游行业一阵热议,其中《哈利波特》系列制片人大卫·海曼的突然现身,更加放大了这一“悬念”。而在外界各种猜测的一周后,今日游族正式揭晓谜底,它就是《魔法天堂》。 印象站地址>>> 游戏logo 据悉,本作沿袭游族一贯...

introduction: since March 31 tour family network provides a quite suspense Magic Trailer, causing shadow tour industry a heated debate, the "Harry Potter" suddenly appeared series producer David Hayman, and enlarging the "suspense". In the outside world all kinds of speculation after a week, today officially announced the tour family, it is the "magic" of heaven. It is reported that impression station address > > > logo game, the tour family has always followed...