新关注 > 信息聚合 > 定义新宫斗《熹妃Q传》手游今日首曝


The new definition of "Gong Dou Xi Fei Q" Mobile Games today's first exposure

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

春寒初歇,玩友时代旗下最新3D宫斗手游《熹妃Q传》今日正式公布。唯美古风宫廷首次3D化呈现,人物清新Q萌不失古典韵味,玩法突破传统宫斗限制,满足女性一颗爱社交、喜休闲的心,《熹妃Q传》手游将给你带来不一样的宫斗感觉。 专注做原创女性手游 近些年,女性手游市场的竞争也愈加激烈,女性手游领域的争夺颇有点竭泽而渔的意味。且不说这些手游的发力点是否正确,游戏品质和内涵能否让女性玩家满意还是个问题。玩友时代从创立到成长至今,一直专注女性手游的研发,对女性群体有着深刻的理解。这几年有了《熹妃传》、《京门风月》以及《宫廷Q传》等成功手游产品,让玩友时代在女性手游市场有了举足轻重的地位。 尤其...

At the beginning of spring break, you play its latest 3D gongdou Mobile Games "Xi Fei Q" officially announced today. The ancient palace for the first time 3D is beautiful, fresh and adorable Q characters without losing the classical charm, play traditional palace bucket limit, to meet the needs of women a love social, leisure like heart, "Xi Fei Q" Mobile Games will not give you the same feeling gongdou. Focus on doing the original female female Mobile Games Mobile Games in recent years, market competition is increasingly fierce, the field of female competition rather Mobile Games means jiezeeryu. Not to mention whether these hand travel force point is correct, the quality and content of the game can make the satisfaction of female gamers is still a problem. Playing friends from the founding to the growth so far, has been focused on female hand travel research and development, the female group has a profound understanding. In recent years there have been "Xi Fei biography", "Temptress Moon" and "Jingmen Palace Q" successful Mobile Games products, make friends to play an important role in the era of women Mobile Games market. Especially...

标签: 手游