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《剑灵》2周年庆盛典开启 海量活动TOP大盘点

"The sword spirit" 2 anniversary celebration open TOP big inventory mass activities

2015-11-27 18:13:07来源: 电玩巴士

《剑灵》2周年庆火热开启,缤纷的气球装饰着游戏的每个角落,欢乐的气氛传递节日的温馨,随之而来的海量活动也是灵芝们津津乐道的话题。这里汇聚了《剑灵》周年庆的海量活动和豪礼大奖,无论是精美时装还是珍稀道具,只要你参与就有机会获得,守护《剑灵》温暖回忆,2周年盛典即日起航! 剑灵2周年庆典 ...

Anniversary of the "sword spirit" 2 hot open, decorated with colorful balloons every corner of the game, the atmosphere of joy festival warm, followed by a massive activity is the ganoderma lucidum relish topic. Here brings together the sword spirit anniversary of mass activities and hao li awards, exquisite fashion and rare items, as long as you have the opportunity to get involved in, guardian "sword spirit" warm memories, 2 anniversary celebration day set sail! The sword spirit 2 anniversary...