新关注 > 信息聚合 > 零售商泄露《地铁 回归》或将登陆Switch

零售商泄露《地铁 回归》或将登陆Switch

Retailers leak "Metro Return" or will land on Switch

2019-10-08 12:28:45来源: 游戏时光

根据零售商 Gamingreplay 的商品页面显示,《地铁 回归》将登陆 Switch 平台,售价为 44.99 欧元(约 352 元人民币),发行日期为 12 月 1 日。《地铁 回归》包含了地铁系列前两作《地铁 2033》以及《地铁 最后的曙光》的重制版,画面较原版得到了提升,最早在 2014 年 8 月发行了主机及 PC 版本。根据该网站的长期客户透露,Gamingreplay 只会接受供应商确认的预订产品,如果这一情况属实的话,那么本作登陆 Switch 的可能性还是很高的。不过我们还是静观其变,等待官方最终的确认吧。来源:Nintendosoup

According to the merchandise page of retailer Gamingreplace, Metro Return will be launched on Switch platform at a price of 44.99 euros (about 352 yuan) with a release date of December 1. "Metro Return" includes a reproduction of the first two works of the Metro Series, "Metro 2033" and "The Last Dawn of the Metro", the picture has been upgraded from the original version, and the mainframe and PC version were released as early as August 2014. According to the site's long-term customers, Gamingreplace only accepts subscriptions confirmed by suppliers, and if that's true, the possibility of using it as a Switch is high. But let's wait and see what happens and wait for the official confirmation. Source: Nintendosoup

标签: Switch