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刺激战场王牌局如何单人四排十九杀 逆心欧巴技巧大揭秘

Stimulate the battlefield ace bureau how a single four row 19 kill Inverse heart skills Obama full disclosure

2018-09-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

刺激战场是目前非常火爆的一款手游,在刺激战场中,吃鸡是所有玩家追逐的目标,单人四排是所有玩家证明自己的方式。而在王牌局单人四排吃鸡,则几乎是一件不可能做到的事情。近日,触手直播的逆心欧巴在王牌局以十九杀的战绩单人四排吃鸡。这其中,到底有什么秘诀呢? 开局刚枪的秘诀 前期跳伞时落点有两种选择,一是跳野区打野苟发育,二是跳中心点刚枪快速击杀获取大量资源。无论怎么跳,你都会遇到和你刚枪的对手。在前期刚枪时,由于双方可能都没有太好的防具,所以此时先手的一方几乎占据着必杀的优势地位。 逆心欧巴在跳点之后,走位非常谨慎,多走在墙边、楼梯的边上,并且多次卡住门的视野,利用左右探头的身法来进行...

Stimulate the battlefield is a mobile game is very hot, in the battlefield, the chicken is the goal of all players chase, single four row is the manner in which all the players to prove himself. In single four ace inning to eat chicken, is almost impossible thing. Recently, the tentacles streaming inverse heart in the ace Obama to record single four rows of 19 kill to eat chicken. What is the secret? The secret of start just a gun Early jump where there are two choices, one is the development of wild area playing wild if, 2 it is to jump center just gun quickly kill to get lots of resources. No matter how to jump, you will meet and you have just shot opponent. In the early stage of the first gun, because both sides may not too good armor, so the party now lived almost occupy the slay dominance. Inverse heart after the jump points, Obama walked a very cautious, walking on the wall, on the side of the stairs, and often stuck door view, use around the probe methods for...