新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者归来,原斗鱼人气一哥蛋糕签约YY直播转战吃鸡


The return of the king, the original fighting fish popularity, a brother cake signed YY live broadcast fight chicken.

2017-12-15 00:00:00来源: 人民网

YY直播近期在游戏直播上频频布局,涉足吃鸡、王者荣耀等人气游戏直播品类。近日,已经停播9个月的原斗鱼人气主播蛋糕发布微博加盟YY直播,强势归来转战吃鸡,YY直播继续深化自己吃鸡直播的现有优势。 蛋糕这次的回归可以说让粉丝既欣喜又疑惑,喜的是又可以看到幽默诙谐的西北砍王的风采,疑惑的是当初蛋糕人气大热时为何放弃直播选择退隐。 蛋糕身为英雄联盟国服著名高分路人,直播的曝光率非常高,是中国最早的一批明星主播选手,曾是斗鱼人气一哥,在主播界声望极大,直播风格轻松诙谐,性情率真加上本身很有喜感的形象,赢得众多粉丝拥护。除此之外,蛋糕的资历与技术也是非常值得肯定的,2011年的时候曾经登顶美服,...

YY live broadcast has recently been frequently distributed in the live broadcast of games, and has been involved in the popular games live category such as chicken and King glory. Recently, 9 months has been suspended for 9 months of the original fighter of the original game to release micro-blog to join the live broadcast, strong return to eat chicken, YY live to continue to deepen the present advantages of their own live chicken live. The return of the cake can be said to make fans both happy and puzzled, and the joy is to see the humorous and humorous northwest chop the king's elegant demeanor. The cake body is the famous high score road person of the hero alliance country, the live broadcast is very high, it is the first group of star anchors in China. It was a big brother of the fighting fish. It has great prestige in the anchors, easy and humorous style of direct seeding, and a very happy image of his character, which has won many fans' support. In addition, the qualifications and technology of cake are also very worthy of affirmation. In 2011, it was once served as the top garment.

标签: 直播 YY