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《最终幻想14》重生五年 全球账号数破1400万

Final fantasy 14 "rebirth global account number 14 million for five years

2018-09-03 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Squeare Enix今日宣布旗下游戏《最终幻想14》全球注册玩家人数已经突破了1400万。 “天外魔境”画师辻野寅次郎绘制的5周年贺图 这款最早于2010年发售的网游作品在上线之初饱受非议,却在制作人吉田直树的带领下一步步扭转了局面,迎来了新生。如今这款MMO RPG所取得的成功也是有目共睹。 《最终幻想14》在“重生之境”之后也迎来了第五个年头,相信未来也会越走越远。

Squeare Enix announced today that its game "final fantasy 14" the global number of registered players already broke through 14 million. "This magic" painter 辻 wild tora-san map's fifth anniversary It as early as in 2010, the sale work at the beginning of the line under attack, but step by step, under the guidance of producer naoki yoshida turned it around, ushered in a new life. Now the MMO RPG's success is also evident. Final fantasy 14 "after the" rebirth "also marks its fifth year, believe the future will be more walk more far.

标签: 最终幻想