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Touch Music Night Talk: play games, play games, what exactly?  

2019-11-28 18:40:00来源: 触乐

触乐夜话,每天胡侃和游戏有关的屁事、鬼事、新鲜事。 图/小罗最近,Valve公布了“半衰期”系列的新作《半衰期:爱莉克斯》,这是一款VR游戏,长度据说与《半衰期2》相当。CDPR则公布了《赛博朋克2077》的新细节,游戏中有四分之三的场景是可破坏的,每个主要角色都有独立动画,NPC也会对天气做出实时反应等等。这两个新闻之间似乎没什么关系,但又都和游戏行业的技术发展有关。VR游戏让我们觉得身临其中,可破坏的场景表明游戏的细节越做越好,这些无疑都增加了玩家的沉浸感,照这样下去,说不定在未来我们真的能像电影《头号玩家》里那样,戴上头套就进入到一个让你分不清虚拟与现实、智能NP...

Touch music night talk, nonsense and game related shit, ghosts, new things every day. Photo / Ronaldinho recently released the new half-life series "half-life: Alex", a VR game that is said to be the same length as "Half-Life 2". Cdpr released the new details of "cyberpunk 2077". Three quarters of the scenes in the game are destructible, each main character has independent animation, NPC will also make real-time response to the weather and so on. There seems to be no relationship between the two news, but they are all related to the technological development of the game industry. VR games make us feel like we are in them. The destructible scenes show that the better the details of the game are, which undoubtedly increases the players' sense of immersion. If we go on like this, maybe in the future, like in the movie "top player", we can put on the head cover and enter a NP that makes you confused between virtual and reality, intelligent

标签: 游戏