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每周资讯:蝙蝠侠第三章上线 10款海外佳作快入手

Weekly information: batman third chapter online 10 overseas excellent work fast

2016-10-30 06:03:23来源: 17173

过完这个周末就要和10月说再见了。10月的最后一天有个海外重头节日万圣节,当然有些国内朋友也想凑热闹。我们的目标,寻找一切可能机会HAPPY……。SO,笔者在介绍完本周的海外新游后也要出去狂欢啦!顺便向诸君道句万圣节快乐!(文:17173_mia) 复古像素风《法盾奇兵》神奇周四上架 ...

After the weekend will be October and say goodbye. The last day of October have a overseas start holiday Halloween, some domestic friends, of course, also want to eager. Our goal for every possible opportunity to HAPPY... . SO, the author introduces the after this week's overseas XinYou also want to go out partying! By the way tell you that sentence happy Halloween! (wen: 17173 _mia) pixels wind restoring ancient ways the law shield "magic on Thursday...