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Toeic network first MOBA works the D10 formally exposure

2015-12-08 23:11:28来源: 17173

12月8日消息,多益网络宣布推出MOBA新作《D10》,官网也于今日正式上线。 《D10》宣传片 据官方介绍,《D10》在吸收市面上其他MOBA游戏精华的同时,在玩法和体验上也做出一定的改动。例如:英雄在出生时就拥有3个基础技能,这让《D10》的所有英雄在一级时就可以爆发出一场激燃...

On December 8th, toeic network announced MOBA new D10, has the website officially launched today. D10 propaganda According to the official, the D10 in absorbs the essence of the other MOBA games on the market at the same time, also make some changes on gameplay and experience. For example: the hero at birth have three basic skills, this let the D10 all heroes in the primary can burst into a cream combustion...