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《古墓丽影 暗影》新截图释出 今晚公布新情报

The tomb raider shadow new cut explanation Release new intelligence tonight

2018-04-27 10:22:27来源: 游戏时光

明日,Square Enix 就将公布《古墓丽影》最新作《古墓丽影 暗影》的新情报,而在此之前,《古墓丽影 暗影》的商品页面已经率先在亚马逊上架,同时还有大量新截图及游戏封面释出。此次公布的截图共有十张,展示了劳拉·克劳馥在各种场景的英姿,其中比较值得关注的是两张位于城市中的截图,因为到目前为止,我们并没有在《古墓丽影》系列中的任何城市场景里进行过游戏。另外,与截图一同公布的游戏封面也相当引人注目,同时也与首支预告片相呼应:在日食的背景下,劳拉的不远处是玛雅神庙。不知道这一次劳拉又将为我们带来什么样的冒险体验。以下为其余新截图:《古墓丽影 暗影》将于9月15日发售,登陆 PC/Xbox One/PS4。来源:Dualshockers

Tomorrow, Square Enix will put the tomb raider "tomb raider shadow" new intelligence, but before that, the tomb raider shadow commodity page has took the lead in the amazon, as well as a large number of new screenshots and game release the cover. The screenshot released a total of ten, shows the various scenarios of lara croft ying, two among the more notable is a snapshot of a city, because so far, we are not in the tomb raider series of any city in the scene for the game. In addition, with the screenshot released game cover is quite striking, and at the same time that coincide with the first trailer: under the background of the solar eclipse, Laura is not far from the mayan temples. I don't know this time, Laura will bring us what kind of adventure to experience again. The following for the rest of the new screenshots: tomb raider shadow will go on sale on September 15th, on PC/Xbox One/PS4. Source: Dualshockers