新关注 > 信息聚合 > 带着西瓜看世界!触手剑仙粉丝晒出各地告白


See the world with a watermelon! Tentacles around the sword play fans of the confession

2017-05-31 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5.28的“窝矮瓜”节,是粉丝小西瓜为触手直播《王者荣耀》百万人气主播剑仙单独庆祝的节日。5月28日当天,剑仙为小西瓜们接二连三地带来精彩表演,不仅有李白福利专场,更是情歌到深夜,微博发出5280块钱红包,表达对粉丝们的感恩。 除了女大学生在王者峡谷送出528个人头,比赛时间长达140分钟来表白剑仙,“聚是一团火,散是满天星”的小西瓜们,还在世界各地拍下告白,送给大西瓜剑仙。 来自山东日照小西瓜的爱,希望大西瓜永远像太阳一样,光芒万丈。 来自上海的小西瓜的告白,瓜三岁一定会喜欢充满童趣的迪士尼城堡,希望瓜三岁永远是城堡里快乐的小公举。 来自四川成都的小西瓜的表白,想和大西...

Section 5.28 "nest short melon", fan small watermelon is the king of glory for tentacles broadcasts millions of popularity of the host celebrated sword play alone. Sword play, May 28, the day has brought for the small watermelon, not only li bai special benefits, but also love late into the night, weibo sent 5280 dollars red envelopes, express gratitude to fans. In addition to the female college students in the king valley is sent out 528 people head, game for 140 minutes to vindicate sword play, "it is a fire, is scattered all over the sky star" small watermelon, also photographed confessions, all over the world for big watermelon sword play. Love from shandong rizhao small watermelon, want watermelon forever like the sun, shining. From Shanghai confessions of small watermelon, melon, three years old will like Disney castle full of tong qu, hope the melon is always a happy little public election in the castle at the age of three. From chengdu in sichuan province of small watermelon, want to and onishi...