新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBA 2K21将发布音乐原声带 次世代完整版曲目将达500首

NBA 2K21将发布音乐原声带 次世代完整版曲目将达500首

NBA 2k21 will release the original soundtrack of the next generation, with 500 tracks

2020-07-27 22:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  2K 官方宣布,将推出《NBA 2K21》音乐原声带。该音乐原声带收录了本作封面球员“Dame D.O.L.L.A”达米安 · 利拉德的两首未发行新曲目,以及其他当今顶级音乐人,如威肯(The Weeknd)、罗迪 · 里奇(Roddy Ricch) 以及鼓击乐团(The Strokes)的音乐。  NBA超级球星、《NBA 2K21》本世代封面球员达米安 · 利拉德说:  对我来说,成为单人封面是一件很重要的事情,但成为封面并将我的音乐变成游戏的一部分也是一个巨大的成就。对我而言,我接触到了新的歌手、歌曲和流派,我本以为会在电台中听到这些,可实际上,却是在《NBA 2K》中开启了初体验。  据了解,9 月 4 日上线的本世代版本《NBA 2K21》将先行收录 52 首歌曲,包括独家收录于游戏中的两首 Da

2K officially announced that it will launch the original soundtrack of NBA 2k21. The soundtrack contains two new unpublished tracks by Damian Lillard, the cover player of the book, "Dame d.o.l.l.a", as well as music from other top musicians today, such as the weeknd, Roddy ricch and the strokes. Damian Lillard, an NBA superstar and cover player of the NBA 2k21 generation, said: it's very important for me to be a single cover, but it's also a great achievement to be a cover and make my music part of the game. For me, I came into contact with new singers, songs and genres that I thought I would hear on the radio, but in fact, I started my first experience in NBA 2K. It is understood that this generation of "NBA 2k21", which will be launched on September 4, will first include 52 songs, including two Da exclusively included in the game