新关注 > 信息聚合 > 真人剧集《巫师:鲜血起源》公布:第一位猎魔人的诞生


The birth of the first demon hunter

2020-07-27 21:56:28来源: 游戏时光

  Netflix 在今日突然公布了《巫师》真人剧集的衍生剧《巫师:鲜血起源》,讲述杰洛特所处时代1200年以前的故事,总共 6 集,由 Declan de Barra (《巫师》)担任编剧,Lauren Schmidt Hissrich 担任制片人。  这个有着怪物、人类和精灵的世界逐渐整合一体。而此时,第一位猎魔人(Witcher)诞生了。  目前并未公布具体上映日期。考虑到《巫师》真人剧第二季因为疫情要在今年 8 月才重新开机,这部衍生剧或许距离上映也还有一段时间。

Netflix announced today the Wizard: the origin of blood, a spin off of the wizard live show, which tells the story of Jerome's time before 1200 years, with a total of six episodes, written by & amp; nbsp; Declan de Barra (wizard), and producer by Lauren Schmidt Hisrich. This world of monsters, humans and elves is gradually integrated. At this time, the first witch was born. No specific release date has been released. Given that the second season of the wizard will not restart until August because of the epidemic, the spin off may be a while away.