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《绝地求生》两款手游公布 现已开启预约活动

The two hand tour of "Jedi survival" has now opened the reservation

2017-12-01 11:25:22来源: 游戏时光

在今日举办的腾讯嘉年华上,腾讯联合 PUBG 公司正式公布了两款《绝地求生》正版授权手游,分别为天美工作室开发的《绝地求生 全军出击》和光子工作室的《绝地求生 刺激战场》。《绝地求生 全军出击》由虚幻引擎4进行开发,将在原版《绝地求生》游戏的基础上加入一定的创新元素,比如全新加入的海战模式,玩家在本作中还可以使用加特林。《绝地求生 刺激战场》同样是由虚幻引擎4进行开发,本作将尽可能还原原版《绝地求生》的玩法与氛围。两款《绝地求生》手游均已开启预约活动,玩家可以前去《全军出击》和《刺激战场》的官网进行预约。

On the Tencent Carnival held today, Tencent and PUBG company officially announced the two authorized hand tours of Jedi survival. They are "Jedi survival army attack" developed by Tian Mei studio and "Jedi life stimulating battlefield" by photon studio. The Jedi survival army attack is developed by the illusory engine 4. It will add some innovative elements on the basis of the original Jedi survival game, for example, the new sea battle mode. Players can also use Gatlin in this work. "The battlefield for survival of the Jedi" is also developed by illusory engine 4, which will be as much as possible to restore the play and atmosphere of the original "Jedi survival". The two "Jedi survival" hand tour has opened the reservation, players can go to "the whole army strike" and "stimulate the battlefield" of the official network to make an appointment.

标签: 手游