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HumbleBundle《秘密调查局 幽浮解密》免费喜加一

HumbleBundle "secret fbi UFO, xi plus one free of charge

2017-12-01 12:40:55来源: 游戏时光

如果你是《幽浮》系列的粉丝,告诉你们一个好消息:基于《幽浮》世界观制作的第三人称射击游戏《秘密调查局 幽浮解密》现在可以免费领取啦。目前本作的 Steam 版正在Humble Bundle中限时48小时免费领取,注册登陆该网站后即可免费领取本作的Steam兑换码。由 2K Games 制作的《秘密调查局 幽浮解密》是《幽浮》系列的前传性质作品,于2013年登陆了 PS3/Xbox 360/PC 平台。本次免费领取的截止日期为2017年12月3日凌晨2:00,喜欢喜加一的玩家们可别错过咯。来源:Gamebase

If you are a fans of "UFO" series, tell you a good news: based on the "UFO" world view of the third person shooter "secret fbi UFO decryption can receive free now. The Steam version of this are in the Humble Bundle period 48 hours free nyc, registered on the website after you to receive this free Steam conversion code. Made of 2 k Games "secret fbi UFO decryption "is the prequel to nature of work," UFO "series in 2013, the PS3 / Xbox 360 / PC platform. Free for the deadline is December 3, 2017 at 2:00 in the morning, like xi plus one of the players don't want to miss luo. Source: Gamebase