新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《次元召唤师》次元英雄如何养之英雄养成


The dimensional summoners dimensional hero how to raise the hero to develop

2017-12-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《次元召唤师》是由美生元旗下晶石互娱发行的一款次世代魔幻背景3DAR卡牌手游。基于LBS定位及AR扫描技术《次元召唤师》可以在现实生活中寻找游戏英雄;开创独特操作模式,让卡牌游戏更具有策略性。除此之外,《次元召唤师》还拥有丰富的养成系统,可以从各个方面对次元英雄进行强化,提升次元英雄战力,让英雄在战斗中发挥巨大作用。那么今天就先来看看《次元召唤师》中如何对次元英雄本身属性进行养成强化! 次元英雄自身强化分为五个部分,进阶、技能、升级、升星、潜能,通过这五个方面对英雄属性进行全面提升,极大提升次元英雄战斗力。 进阶品质,解锁更多技能 玩家可以通过副本冒险,获得不同的进阶材料,当获...

Dimensional summoner is issued by American born yuan's SPAR and entertainment of a magical background generation 3 dar card player. And AR scanning technology based on LBS on the dimensional summoners can seek game heroes in real life; Create a unique operation mode, let is more strategic card games. In addition, the dimensional summoners also has rich form system, from various aspects to strengthen dimensional hero, improve dimensional hero, allowing play a huge role in the battle. So today let's look at the time yuan summoners, how to develop the dimensional hero attribute are strengthening! Dimensional hero strengthening itself is divided into five parts, advanced, skill and upgrade, star, potential, through this five aspects to improve hero attribute, greatly improve dimensional hero fighting capacity. The advanced quality and unlock more skills Players can through the adventure, a copy of the material with different advanced, when...