新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北省食药监局发风险提示:不认识的野菜不吃


Hebei food drug administration sent risk tip: don't know wild vegetables don't eat

2016-04-23 19:26:16来源: 大河网

不认识的野菜尽量别吃。(资料图片) 燕赵晚报讯(首席记者王凤伟)河北省食品药品监督管理局日前发布春季野菜食用安全的风险提示:希望消费者挑选食用野菜时能多加注意,减少因食用野菜而产生的食物中毒事件...

Don't know wild vegetables don't eat as much as possible. (file photo) yanzhao evening news (chief reporter Wang Fengwei) in hebei province food and drug administration has issued the spring wild edible safety risk tip: hope to pay more attention to consumers when choosing potherb, decrease the food poisoning due to edible wild vegetables...