新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电竞圈鹿晗?王者荣耀主播孤影首露真颜,迷妹疯狂围堵


E-sports circle Lu Han? King glory anchor solitary shadow first true yan, fan younger sister crazy containment

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

上周末,斗鱼在武汉汉口江滩举办了2017年斗鱼嘉年华,热辣表演、现场竞技目不暇接。对于观众们来说,斗鱼嘉年华最让人心心念念的,那一定是与自己心爱主播们的面基环节。王者荣耀主播孤影首次现身,迷妹们开启刷屏状态让孤影一连上了好几天的热搜。 孤影迷妹现场陷入疯狂,架势堪比粉丝追星 正如孤影直播间曾经取的 “我有很多女粉丝” 名字一样,孤影的迷妹多到甚至超乎本人想象。据现场一位迷妹说,嘉年华里一名不明真相的吃瓜群众都忍不住问到:这是有什么明星来了吗?而斗鱼官方也不得不给孤影配了近十名保安以确保孤影不被激动过度的迷妹们包围到动弹不得,可怜的小孤影还一度在人群包围中被踩掉了鞋...... ...

Last weekend, bettas are held in 2017 in wuhan hankou river beach carnival, betta hot performance, field athletics. For the audience, the carnival's most selectively let people heart is more, it must be with his own beloved announcers' face. King glory anchor solitary first appeared in the movie, the seduction open refresh status, let the lonely shadow out for several days in a row. Solitary fans crazy sister site, posture as fans make track for a star As solitary shadow studio once "I have a lot of female fans" of the name, solitary shadow seduction to even more than I imagine. According to field a seduction, eat the melon carnival in a unknown the truth people couldn't help asked, is this what is the star to? And officials had to selectively to solitary shadow with nearly ten security to ensure the lonely shadow is not surrounded by the excitement excessive seduction to move, the poor little lonely shadow also once was stepping out in the crowd surrounded shoes... ...