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《碧蓝航线》全平台公测 BlueStacks蓝叠安卓模拟器推官方电脑版

The blue line all platform open beta BlueStacks blue fold push official android simulator computer version

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由Bilibili独家代理,集结了海战、少女养成以及社交玩法,有着豪华声优阵容,中日画师阵容倾力打造的二次元手游《碧蓝航线》,已经正式在IOS上线。本次《碧蓝航线》携手安卓模拟器之父BlueStacks蓝叠全平台公测,并推出《碧蓝航线》电脑版,让各位喜爱舰娘的宅男们,感受最直接的端游体验。少女和各种舰艇相结合的新模式,到底哪里吸引人?BlueStacks蓝叠与舰娘们又会有怎样火花?一起去看看吧! 端游化操作 体验大屏畅爽 《碧蓝航线》在画面的制作上精心的雕琢了一番,画面精致,各种立绘都非常的精美,每一名舰娘的形象都是根据历史上的著名的原型战舰来塑造的,而不是简单的绘出一个萌妹子,再随...

Composed by Bilibili exclusive agency, the form and social play of naval battle, girls, with luxury voice-over artists, bend force to build the second china-japan painter squad yuan mobile game "blue line", has been officially in IOS. The father of the "blue line" in the android emulator BlueStacks blue fold full platform open beta, and introduced the PC edition of the blue route, let everybody loves ship niang otaku, feeling the most direct travel experience. Girl and all sorts of vessels of combining the new model, what is attractive? BlueStacks blue sparks will be, how to fold and ship bitch? Let's go and see! The tour operation Experience larger chang shuang "blue line" on the picture to make elaborate carve, picture delicate, all kinds of state of the painting is very elegant, every image of a ship to niang is a prototype based on the history of the famous warships to shape, rather than simply draw an attractive woman, again with...

标签: 安卓