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What the hell is? A proud day red moon legend 2 diamond treasure

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

说来也巧,闲来无事的小编翻了翻自己的背包,突然发现了一些许久没有在意的好东西。都是这样那样的一些钥匙,小编今日挑出了上面镶嵌了钻石的一把开始研究起来。“钻石钥匙”到底是个什么鬼?原来它全名叫“钻石令牌”,干嘛不叫钻石钥匙?真是奇怪。它神奇的作用令人叹为观止,双击令牌即可进入宝藏地图,免费开启宝藏地图内的箱子可获得稀有商城道具。咦,还有这么好玩的事情,如果运气不错这27个钻石令牌又会转化为一笔不小财富。傲天赤月传说2钻石令牌,为你开启一个神秘的宝藏地图。 了解完基本概况之后,小编想这个玩意到底是怎么来的?原来是击杀迷失之城第一层的怪物时掉落的。傲天赤月传说2迷失之城竟然还有如此神奇的秘密...

As luck would have it, and be free and at leisure small make up flipped through his backpack, suddenly found some good thing for a long time did not care about. Is that some keys, small make up today's picked out inlaid diamonds a began to study. What exactly is a "diamond key" ghost? Originally it full name "diamond token", why don't you call diamond key? It's strange. Its magical effect breathtaking, double-click the token to enter a treasure map, free to open the treasure box can be obtained in rare mall props. Yi, and fun, so if the 27 diamond luck of token and turn into a big fortune. Red moon legend proud day 2 diamond token, opened a mysterious treasure map for you. After understanding the basic situation, how the small make up to this stuff come from? Is struck the lost city of the first layer of monsters when drop. Even proud day red moon legend 2 lost city of the magic secret...