新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017LPL春季赛3月24日比赛前瞻:IM强过巅峰EDG?


On March 24, 2017 LPL spring game perspective: IM better than peak EDG?

2017-03-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

LPL春季赛常规赛阶段第七周的比赛将于3月23日开战。而在本周关键战役中,3月24日19点开始的EDG与IM这两个“同门师兄弟”之间的较量无疑备受关注。春季赛赛前,左雾曾在直播中说道,训练赛中IM给SS造成了连巅峰EDG都无法带来的恐怖感,换言之IM或许强过巅峰期EDG。无独有偶,在年初赛后专访中,IM教练孙大勇也直言其个人本赛季执教的最大目标就是赢下EDG,随后EDG主教练NoFe也在赛后群访中回应说新赛季最大目标就是击败IM,两边半开玩笑似的“豪言壮志”,到底谁能如愿以偿呢? 历史战绩:两战皆负 IM德杯为EDG陪跑 2016年,是IM迎来突破的一年。从LSPL到LPL再到S6,他们...

LPL spring game stage game 7 weeks of the regular season on March 23rd. This week the key battle, 24 March 19 PM EDG and IM the battle between the two "stuff other disciples" undoubtedly is a major concern. Spring before the game, left the fog had said in the broadcast, training match IM caused even the peak to SS EDG can bring terror, in other words IM probably stronger than peak EDG. Similarly, at the beginning of an interview after the game, coach IM da-yong sun also expressing their personal coaching the biggest goal is to win this season EDG, then EDG coach NoFe group in response to the new season after the game the biggest goal is to beat the IM, both sides half jokingly "flourish", who can get it? Historical record: the two battle all the negative IM German cup for EDG with run in 2016, is IM for a breakthrough year. From LSPL to LPL to S6, they...