新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂Switch就用上了定制版的Andoird系统


Nintendo Switch uses a customized version of the Andoird system

2017-03-22 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月22日消息,任天堂Switch目前成为最热门的话题,网络上关于任天堂Switch的消息络绎不绝。可以说,任天堂借助Switch主机再次火了一把。据介绍,任天堂Switch采用了一款定制的操作系统,不过在此之前,任天堂Switch有机会搭载定制版的Android系统。 据Android软件公司Cyanogen执行董事长Kirt McMaster在一条已经删除的推文中表示,任天堂希望能为其“某款便携设备”开发一套系统,不过这个请求被这位大佬拒绝了,这也就断送了Swtich搭载Andorid系统的念头。 由于想与Android牵手的打算破灭后,任天堂Switch搭载了类似Android的系统。(菩提)

March 22nd news, Nintendo Switch has become the most popular topic, the network on the Nintendo Switch news stream. It can be said that Nintendo Switch host once again a fire. According to reports, Nintendo Switch using a custom operating system, but before that, Nintendo Switch has the opportunity to carry a customized version of the Android system. According to the Android software company Cyanogen executive chairman Kirt McMaster in a tweet has been deleted, said Nintendo hopes for "a portable device" to develop a system, but the request was refused the chiefs, which also ruined the Swtich equipped with Andorid system. Nintendo's Switch is equipped with a Android like system after its hopes of losing hand in hand with Android. (Bodhi)

标签: Switch 任天堂