新关注 > 信息聚合 > 细数玩家那些感动瞬间 古剑6年品牌传承站上线

细数玩家那些感动瞬间 古剑6年品牌传承站上线

Count the player who moved instantly DLC six years brand transmission station

2016-07-05 14:43:22来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 由网元圣唐旗下上海烛龙研发、网元圣唐与欢聚游戏联合运营的《古剑奇谭网络版》,今日推出古剑品牌传承站。在品牌传承站上,玩家可见证《古剑奇谭》这一国民级仙侠游戏品牌的发展历程,并重温《古剑奇谭》系列游戏带给玩家们的感动瞬间。 琴心剑魄 永夜初晗 《古剑奇谭》系列单机作品重温 ...

Sina game - Developed by net yuan SAN tang's Shanghai candle dragon, net yuan SAN tang and gather joint operation of the DLC, tan online game, today's launch of DLC brand transmission station. In the brand heritage site, players can witness the DLC and tan "the development of the national level XianXia game brand, and recapture the DLC and tan" series of players instantly. Jean heart sword spirit Early night Han the DLC, tan series single work back to...

标签: 玩家