新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奎爷回归 说说《战神》工作室圣莫妮卡的发家史

奎爷回归 说说《战神》工作室圣莫妮卡的发家史

Krishna returns to tell me about the history of the God of war studio, St. Monica

2016-06-21 16:04:31来源: 新浪

成功打造了《战神》系列作品的索尼第一方工作室圣莫尼卡(SMS)于1999年由索尼老兵阿伦·贝克尔(Allan Becker) 创立,办公地点起初就在顽皮狗的隔壁(也在加州圣莫尼卡市),很快就搬往了圣莫妮卡郊外的一片砖楼当中。 当时贝克尔隶属于索尼电脑娱乐SCE福斯特城分部,为打破大公...

The success of the "God of war" series of works SONY first party studios in Santa Monica (SMS) in 1999 by SONY veteran Allen - Becker (Allan Becker) founded office beginning in naughty dog next door (also in California Santa Monica city), soon moved to St. Monica on the outskirts of a brick building. At the time, Becker was affiliated with SONY computer entertainment SCE Forster city division, in order to break the grand duke...